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Letter to Sherlock Holmes

In spite of war and censors, Anna Katharine Green succeeded in getting across to her publishers this interesting bit of correspondence between two famous detectives. Detective Gryce first employed by her in “The Leavenworth Case” proves himself more ingenious than ever in her new story, “The Mystery of the Hasty Arrow,” recently published by Dodd, Mead & Co.

N.Y., USA, Nov 12, 1917


My Dear Sherlock Holmes,

It is with regret that I learn from a recent notice in one of our papers that you have become afflicted with rheumatism. I trust, however, that it may not seriously interfere with the continuance of your illustrious career. I know whereof I write, for the malady has clung to me ever since I was entrusted with the solution of “The Leavenworth Case” by my friend Anna Katharine Green. I had no choice but to go on in her service, she kindly permitting me to engage as assistant such a clever fellow as Sweetwater. And on one occasion when “That Affair Next Door” gave me unusual concern, Miss Butterworth not only helped me during a severe attack of my, permit me to say, our enemy, but aided in the disentanglement of a complicated situation by her astuteness.

I am just through with the case of “The Hasty Arrow,” an extremely involved matter and rather unusual since it aroused my sympathy and at the same time gave me no end of concern before it was cleared up. Now that the whole matter has been settled to the satisfaction of the authorities and Miss Green, I understand that the affair with its intricacies, love, pathos and tragedy is to be published in book form with such additions as will make the report more full than the papers made it at the time it took place.

As soon as a copy of the book is to be had, it will give me pleasure to send you one. At the same time, may I express the hope that your rheumatic affliction has not unduly influenced you to determine to make your “Last Bow.” Try to induce Conan Doyle to give you some clever fellow as an assistant, for now that we have a bond of sympathy, let us proceed to end our days in the harness and help our friends Doyle and Green out of their various difficulties as occasion may demand.


With keen appreciation, I am,
   Yours truly,


To Mr. Sherlock Holmes,
   Care Sir Arthur Conan Doyle,